
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Welcome Back to Term 2

Hi everyone,

My name is Mrs Gordon and I am really looking forward to being in Room 10 during Term 2 whilst Mrs Beste is on leave.

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday break and managed to find some fun activities to do with your family.

For students working from home, your Work Packages for Term 2 are now available on the School Website  using the school website user name and passwords issued by email or at the Department of Education’s Connect website using the Connect passwords issues by email.

I look forward to meeting you all when you return to school.

Mrs Gordon.

Monday, April 6, 2020

WORK PACKAGES - Term 1, Week 10

The following Work Package has been created to assist children at home with their learning.

Please click on the picture below to access the weekly plan. Activities can be found under the resource column. Please click on the blue text to access additional resources.


Good morning everyone,

Please find below the answers to the Week 9 Work Package. I hope that you are all staying well.

Take care.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Year One Art Ideas

Below are some activities which link to the learning the Year One classes have been doing in Art with Mrs Agar. Have fun!