
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Room 10 Update

Wow! The past four weeks have flown by and we've crammed plenty of learning in during that time. Here’s a brief summary for you.


Reading is always a big focus at school and the students are doing their best to improve their reading each day. It is very important that they read to an adult every day, and also have an adult (or fluent reader) read to them every day. Students have been learning to monitor what they read for meaning, as well as beginning to summarise what they have read. Next time your son or daughter reads to you, ask them to summarise what they have read. J
The students are becoming accomplished at writing structured and detailed recounts. Their vocabulary is gradually expanding as they read more and learn new words that they can include in their writing.
Students also have an expanded knowledge of antonyms (words with opposite meaning) and are beginning to identify synonyms (words with similar meaning) now too. At home, your child could play a game of synonyms or antonyms with other family members.


Students have begun to learn about Mass during our Numeracy time and had lots of fun measuring, comparing and explaining the mass of different items on the scales.
In the past month we have also identified and classified different 2D shapes and 3D objects, as well as created patterns with shapes. There has been plenty of addition and subtraction of numbers to 20.

This year the students have been learning about where we live in Australia. They celebrated WA Day over the June long weekend and know that Perth is the capital of Western Australia. Ask your child if they can remember how many states there are in Australia or what is the name of the capital city of Australia. 


Below are some photos of our recent Merit Award recipients. Congratulations to Bryan, Kyen, Vanya, Nida, Jayden and Jovita. 

With the end of term fast approaching, the students will have earned a holiday break by then. We are going to complete our STEM project – incorporating the design of a fabulous playground, and creating a model of it, in a shoebox ‘peepbox.’ This will also incorporate some of our Science learning about Light and Sound. 

It is anticipated that Mrs Beste will be returning to teach in Room 10 for Semester Two (Terms 3 and 4). Semester One reports will be sent home on Thursday of Week 10.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Week 5 Activities

During Week 5, one of the topics covered in our Maths lessons was Measurement. Students learned some of the vocabulary such as tall, taller and tallest, shorter than, taller than, and as tall as; just to name a few!

To see who was the tallest and shortest student in our class, as well as everyone in between, students formed themselves into a line from shortest to tallest. From the photo below, you can see that there is not too much difference between many of the students.

Week 5 also brought lots of rain during the day, so we spent several recess and lunch breaks in the classroom. Students enjoyed drawing and colouring pictures, but one of their favourite activities was making and decorating paper aeroplanes. We had a class competition to see whose aeroplane flew the longest distance across the classroom. This reinforced some of our Measurement learning as well and it was lots of fun!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Learning about Resilience

Hi again Parents and Carers

I thought I would add some snippets about Resilience from our Health Program for this term. You may wish to discuss some of these social and self skills with your child, to reaffirm the value of them.

Resilience is the ability to 'bounce back' from problems and setbacks we experience. Students are learning personal and social skills that will assist them when they encounter problems and difficult situations. Below are some of the concepts we have covered this term.

I hope this helps you stay in touch with your child's learning and assist them with practising some of their new skills.

Kind regards

Mrs Gordon