
Monday, March 29, 2021

Week 8 Update




It has been a very busy and exciting Term 1 and it has almost come to an end already. We have been very busy learning lots this term, so we must remember on the holidays to keep practising.

Spending just 10 to 15 minutes a day can help your child stay on track ready for Term 2. Sitton Sight Words and Spelling need to be maintained for all. Individual needs will be discussed at Parent Interview times. Children can access websites such as for reading and sounds. A great website for Maths and English is IXL is aligned to the Australian Curriculum for Mathematics and English.

Room 10 have been working hard to up-level sentences. Sentence structure which includes, When, Who and Where questions. A recount starts with When, Who, Where for the beginning. The middle of the story tells the What. Some beginners are First. Then, Next, After that and In the end. The ending of the story must state the child’s feeling or reaction. This is covered with “I think” and “I felt”. Please refer to recount scaffolding issued covering sample “The Family Picnic”. Encourage children to talk or write including this framework.

During Mathematics we may use the Prime book as a resource book. We have now started to use our Prime Book A. We are doing Addition using number bonds. You can reinforce these number bonds at home by doing “how many make 10?”. Counting and writing numbers to 110 is encouraged.

 In Art we have been learning about Primary and Secondary colours. They have been exploring other colours by mixing them together. Our Harmony Hearts were outstanding.

In Health, we have been looking at Respect. A major focus has been showing kindness in the playground.

Safety at home has been a topic. A big focus has been on bike and scooter safety. Always remember to wear a helmet.


On Friday, 26th March, we celebrated Harmony Day. Students were encouraged to wear any traditional clothing. They paraded around with the Room 7 children to show their multicultural dress. We are one but we are many … Our Diversity is our strength. Harmony begins with me. A big thankyou to our parents for their support. It was wonderful to see so many parents wearing traditional dress on this occasion.


         We wish all families a very Happy Easter and Holiday.

Please ensure you all stay safe and well.