
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Our First Four Weeks of Term 2

Hi Parents and Carers

We've had a busy four weeks together in Room 10 and your sons and daughters are getting back into the 'Wattle Grove Way,' now that everyone is back at school. To ensure each student is well-prepared for the day, please try to have them at school by 8:30am each morning. They need the first 10-15 minutes to get themselves organised and challenge themselves with a morning activity in the classroom. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with morning punctuality.

Cleaning and Handwashing at School
As you are aware, the school has increased the cleaning routines for all areas in accordance with the Education Department's protocols, to reduce the risk of the spread of the Coronavirus. Handwashing is also an integral aspect of the cleaning protocols, and the children are required to wash their hands before eating, as well as before entering the classroom after each break. In Room 10, we have watched The Wiggles Handwashing video to guide us with correct technique. You can view the clip here: The Wiggles Handwashing Song

Practice Time Worksheets
New for this term, each student writes their spelling words for the week on their Practice Time sheets each Monday. To assist them with their learning, students are encouraged to practise writing these 10 words in their small black books each day at home. It would be great if parents and carers could also discuss the meaning of these words with their child. There are also several other practice activities to be completed on the sheet, all due by Friday each week.

Drop Everything and Talk
Students are also encouraged to discuss with their parents or carers, their response to a speaking topic each week. Topics are sent home on Mondays and students are asked to have their response ready for any time during the rest of the week. The response is usually a sentence or two about the topic. It is designed to increase students confidence in speaking in front of their peers.

Literacy Program
This term, the writing focus for Year One is on the purpose and structure of recounts. Students have been learning to write about an event they have experienced, in a logical and accurate sequence. They are also encouraged to add more detail into their writing by including adjectives and adverbs in their sentences. This makes their recount more interesting and we already have some excellent writers emerging!
Our reading focus includes many of the most commonly used words in English, as well as words with specific sound characteristics or themes. Reading is an essential skill for life and all students are encouraged to Read Every Day(R.E.D) at school and at home. Please sign/initial your child's small black R.E.D book each day they read, so we can track their progress. Don't forget to read to your child as well.

Numeracy Program
Our students have been solving word problems by creating number sentences using addition and subtraction. This skill is one they will improve upon with more practice, and some students are showing their mathematical flair already! I am also teaching about plane 2D shapes and measuring length in our Maths learning time.

Science Program
We have been investigating physical and chemical changes in matter, and had some fun with water, ice, popcorn and chocolate in the process. In summary, physical changes can be reversed or undone, but chemical changes cannot. e.g. water can change from liquid to solid (ice), by freezing, and then revert back to liquid by heating, but popcorn kernels cannot return to being a corn kernel once it has been heated and 'popped'. We are also going to investigate the Science of Sound this term.

History Program
Students are discovering what some of the toys, transport and technology was like from 30-50 years ago, as we compare these items to what is used now. They have seen photos and videos, as well as authentic items from my personal collection, such as old telephones, cameras and film, a radio and a 'Walkman', as well as my dolls from when I was a young girl. It has been fascinating to see their interest in these items from the past.

No Throw Tuesdays
Try to reduce the waste created by sending food in re-usable containers. This is a whole school initiative. Thanks for your support.

I will endeavour to provide shorter updates on the blog regularly throughout the rest of the term. If you have any need to contact me, please leave a message with the admin staff in the front office and I will contact you, as soon as practicable.

Warm regards

Kathryn Gordon
Room 10 Teacher (Term 2)

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